Photo Photo USFS © Genesis+Art
Wenatchee, Washington
This picture from the Village looks quite a bit like Chelan and Wenatchee, and all of central Washington, I suspect. Air quality in Chelan today was in the “unhealthy” red zone, and here—an hour away at Celebration Lutheran—you can still taste the air. I wonder if it is the taste of the forests of Entiat Meadows, First Creek, or some distant grassland.
I struggle to imagine what the last three weeks have been like for Chuck: blazing fires, choking smoke, and constant watering of buildings for weeks on end. I have a hard time explaining the Chelan fires to him. I have witnessed DC-10s dropping fire retardant from 250 feet and watched as entire towns were evacuated.
As I look at Chuck's haunting photo, I am reminded of headlights in the fog—that you move ahead slowly, only as far as you can see. Holden is that way right now. If we lean into the visual metaphor provided to us this morning, we will look closely at and be present to what is right in front of us at this time. We will observe and be led rather than letting our egos project too far into the future. May God grant us patience for the coming days, as we wait for the way to be revealed.
With good courage, Peg
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