Now is the time for listening and learning. This year, the forest will tell us many things. It will share its weaknesses and its strengths.
Read MoreAs the process of moving back into the Village continues, we have a smaller staff, but bigger hearts.
Read MoreAfter being immersed in the Wolverine and Chelan Fires for 10 weeks, we are out of the Village and away from the community tending the business of Holden. Re-entry has been harder than we expected.
Read MoreAfter weeks of anticipation, it brings us deep joy to announce that all Holden Exiles have been cleared to come home.
Read MoreToday we said goodbye to Chief Firefighter Jeff Pierce when the Lady of the Lake made a “flag stop” in Lucerne.
Read MoreRain has settled the smoke, and for the first time in weeks it is clear and fresh.
Read MoreNothing could stand in the way of the joy and tears as we reunited on Main Street this misty, drizzly morning.
Read MoreThe miracle of a positive outcome for our collective home was born of the skills and forethought of many people.
Read MoreThe First Creek Fire has burned north as far as Field’s Point but remains up on the hill.
Read MoreAs I look at Chuck's haunting photo, I am reminded of headlights in the fog—that you move ahead slowly, only as far as you can see.
Read MoreWe felt fairly confident that our careers as leaders of creative teams at major institutions had provided plenty of ambiguity.
Read More“I was just told that three firefighters died while battling the Twisp fire and four were injured,” said Governor Jay Inslee in a public statement. “My heart breaks over the loss of life.
Read MoreChuck, Nancy, Marc, and Jeff said goodbye to Andrew “Zumba” Kingsriter early this morning. We "downlakers" welcomed this hero with open arms and Holden hugs.
Read MoreBack burns here are almost complete, and we maintain hope that they will hold the fire as it burns its way around the Village, keeping Holden safe.
Read MoreYesterday the Holden evacuees evacuated the B-and-B and the Lake House because of the new fires in Chelan.
Read MoreThe fawns and their mothers give Chuck and I a visceral sense that life abounds—even as the forest transitions—and that God’s steadfast love is present with us no matter our circumstances.
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