Wilderness Re-Entry
Photo by Chuck Hoffman © Genesis+Art
Holden Village, Washington
After being immersed in the Wolverine and Chelan Fires for 10 weeks, we are out of the Village and away from the community tending the business of Holden. Re-entry has been harder than we expected. It was difficult to leave the Village and our friends and colleagues. For the first few days, it was even difficult to talk to each other about anything other than fire. As we come to the end of our work here, we are feeling optimistic, prepared to move forward, and ready to let the fire experience broaden and shape our perspective.
This morning we visited our friends at Grace Lutheran in Wenatchee. We gave a short presentation on the fire and attended worship. A big thank you to Grace for the hospitality and the invitation. We remain grateful for the tremendous outpouring of prayers and offers of support. Please watch this week for specific ways to help.
As the weather starts to turn cooler, the fires are dying down (but not completely out), and the Village is preparing for winter. The BAER (Burned Area Emergency Response) team arrived in Holden on Friday to begin their assessment. These soil scientists, geologists, and hydrologists will help identify present and future risks and prescribe treatments. Meanwhile, Village life pulses with familiar rhythms and entertainment, including daily worship and a variety show on Saturday.
We will board the Lady of the Lake in the morning to return to Holden. Rumor has it that in our absence our dog, Rudy, has moved to another Chalet and was last seen wearing sunglasses and attending the 80’s movie night. Apparently, it’s time to return.
With good courage, Peg + Chuck
See more conversation in EARTH